Cloud Services

Cloud Services
Amazon Web Services:

Let us help you to provision and migrate to AWS cloud services using the following technologies:

EC2 (Elastic Compute) Instance setup – AWS virtual machines.

Route53 Setup – AWS’s DNS system.

IAM (Identity and Access Management), policies, Users, Groups, roles organisations and Access keys.

EBS – AWS’s high performance block storage designed to be used with EC2, supporting snapshots and encryption.

ECS (Elastic Container Service) : Container-Based Compute and Microservices using Docker and ECS.

Virtual private cloud setup (VPC): Think of this as your own personal datacentre inside the AWS datacentre with health checks, failover policies and different routing policies.

S3 – Amazons Simple Storage service with lifecycle policies and intelligent tiering.

Cloudfront – CDN based system that speeds up distribution of your static and dynamic web content.

EFS – Amazon’s Elastic Filesystem – AWS’s fully managed elastic NFS file system.

Aws database services which include the following:

  • RDS: AWS relation database services with multi-AZ and read replicas
  • Arora: AWS’s drop in replacement for Mysql and Postgresql
  • DynamoDB: Amazons answer for nosql like Mongodb

ElastiCache – offers fully managed in-memory data store and cache service which improves the performance of web applications by retrieving information from managed in-memory caches, instead of relying entirely on slower disk-based databases.

Load Balancing and Auto Scaling including classic, application and network load balancers.

Messaging services as per below:

  • Simple Notification Service (SNS) – Allows for mass delivery of messages for mainly mobile users.
  • Simple Queue Service(SQS) – Messae queueing system that allows you to decouple your infrastructure.

Elastic transcoder – media transcoder in the cloud – converts original media format that will play on tablets, phones etc.

Elastic MapReduce (EMR) – for big data processing and analysis.

Kinesis and Firehose – collect, process, and analyse real-time, streaming data.

Redshift – Aws data warehousing product.

Cloudwatch – Monitoring service for AWS.

Cloudtrail – service that enables governance, compliance, operational auditing, and risk auditing. Ii provides event history of your AWS account activity.

KMS – Key management service validated by FIPS 140-2 to keep your keys safe.

Elastic Beanstalk – service for deploying and scaling web applications

Cognito – provides web identity federation. Acts as a broker between your application and your web identity providers like Facebook, Amazon and Google etc.

API gateway – caching enabled gateway into your AWS resources

Lambda – Serverless compute function

Cloudformation: AWS’s tool for IAC. Used to describe and provision all of your infrastructure in your cloud environment.

Amazon Web Services